
Some secrets should always be remain as secrets

A secret will remain as a secret
Say something that will not change anything
I rather choose not to say it out

Yes we all know hating is bad
but sometimes people just don realise that what they have said and done is annoying and irritating
As a friend, we do hope they will realise and make some changes
but year after year, these people are just getting worse although they have been advised for N times

I am not the person who is good in influencing people
I'm not good in persuading people either
If you ask me for advise, then I will tell you what I think is good to you
but the final decision is up to you
If you don't even bother what people tells you that might be useful and helpful to you
fine..please continue with your pathetic life and don't blame people around you

I never say it out
because your never listen even though somebody had told you the same thing
Someday, when we will never meet each other
I will just dump those words into the toilet bowl and flush it out off my mind
Instead of calling you a pathetic person, I rather call you a JERK.
It is my "pleasure" to meet you in my life ==

